Equirectangular still of 360-degree video.
An interactive 360-degree video with a runtime of 2 minutes and 40 seconds.
Created for the RTC339-Virtual Reality Class
Role: Unity Developer, Concept Ideation
We created an interactive 360-degree short video
that allows viewers to choose their frame and story by selecting
which group of people to listen to. Each experience is unique, with
spatially separated voices enhancing immersion. Inspired by gazebased
interactivity in VR, we placed interactive zones in front of each
group, increasing the sound when a viewer's gaze is directed at a
specific group, while overlapping voices create a layered effect when
looking at empty space.
Traditionally, cinema has three types
of gazes: the gaze of the camera, which dictates what is seen; the gaze
of performers, guiding viewers' attention; and the gaze of the viewer,
typically restricted by the director's framing. Our VR project breaks
these conventions, giving viewers the autonomy to create a "personal"
frame, making their gaze an active part of the experience. Additionally,
the gaze of the gossiping groups subtly directs viewers' attention,
enhancing the immersive experience.
The viewer's
gaze is focused
on the top group,
amplifying their
sound while other
audio remains
The viewer shifts
their gaze to
the right group,
increasing that
group's audio
and lowering the
previous one.
The viewer's
gaze is directed
toward empty
space, causing all
group voices to
lower and blend
into an inaudible,
overlapping sound.